Monday, August 30, 2010


After about a weekend of frustrating software woes, I was finally able to get avrdude to recognize the Atmega644(v) using serjtag's AVR FTDI Bit-Banger. I was getting constant and frustrating "initialization failed rc=-1" which means the software can talk to the programmer but not the chip. I had convinced myself that the wiring was perfect and there was something wrong with the chip (even though it was a birds nest of wiring).

Test 1: Chip:
I checked the signals with an oscilloscope, the signals looked to be transmitting although I have a analog oscilloscope so I don't know how that worked out...

Test 2: Board traces:
I ruled the chip out and inspected the board traces and checked them with a multimeter, but they all turned out fine.

I finally decided to make a new cable that was a LOT cleaner looking and way better to use and tried to program it once more, yet again "initialization failed rc=-1". So I decided to try to connect to a attiny13 on a breadboard and what do you know... it works!!!

So now that I knew that the programmer worked I took the Atmega644 of the Sanguino board and tried it on the breadboard and that worked too!!! Long story short I mixed up the rows and the programming cable so row 1 would connect to row 2 but its fixed now! Heres the new programming cable:

You may also note that the 16mhz crystal is gone on the Sanguino, I ripped it of thinking it was causing all my wasn't. Another order was sent out for 5 16mhz crystals off of eBay, more time spent waiting...

But on a side note I got my 24v psu in the mail!

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