I received my order from newark today that included the needed capacitors and LEDs as well as some extra IDC connectors and headers. I also got the molex kits that I ordered only to realize that I only needed one but I got 3 kits, so now I have 6 extra 4 pin receptacles lying around... Along with my Newark that I received today I also got a 40 pin .05" IDC cable for making the connections between the motherboard and the stepper motor drivers. The 24v PSU is in the mail and once it arrives I am ready to test!
These boards are 95% complete all I need to do is fix the trace problem on two of the boards and test them all *fingers crossed*.
Some keen eyed people may notice that I don't have the SMT 100uf capacitors that are usually on the board, well Newark didnt't have them in stock for some reason so I just decided to use through hole capacitors with trimmed leads, and it worked perfectly! I would also like to mention that these boards are modified to run off of 24v instead of the usual 12v that Reprap boards are meant for because the motors that I am looking at run off of 24v.
Here is another picture of the comparison between a populated and unpopulated board.
On the todo list:
- Burn the bootloader on the Sanguino
- Put the Reprap software on the sanguino
- Test the stepper motor board
- Get the stepper motors
- Run some test G-code on the sanguino and hope it moves the motors accordingly
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